Saturday, June 12, 2021

Ruminations - I can't take the heat

   The heat and the humidity has come full force to Indiana.  Now I wish I got an early contract at Yellowstone.  The older I get the more I have no patience for heat and humidity.  I don't know what the future holds but Cathy and I have been talking more about moving out west to dryer and less pollen filled climates. 

   Cathy has observed that I cannot sit still anymore. She is correct.  I don't know why I can't just sit in the house and do nothing sometimes, as I need the rest every once in awhile. I thought about it several times and I figure it has more to do with the thought that sitting and doing nothing just gets me closer to dying.  I don't know how many years God has left for me to walk this earth, but I feel I need to be on the move doing something.  Be it working in Yellowstone or tax season for my brother or community work or church work, I need to be active.  Maybe death can't hit a moving target.  :)

   The whole family is still watching over Don and Norma.  We are getting them to doctor appointments and getting them groceries when needed, and generally making sure they are OK.  God has blessed them with the ability to be at home in their 90's.  I know the family wants to make sure they are happy and contented and will try their best to ensure they can stay and home.   The key is just to make sure they are safe at home.  I know we are all thinking about the time when they may have to move out of their home.  I know we are all dreading that time too.  They are so precious to all of us and great examples of God's servants.  Taking them to appointments allows me to hear so many stories of their life and there are so many great laughs from those stories too.  Precious times for sure.  Makes me miss my parents a lot and wishing that I had time to pick their brains more about by gone times.

   Only 42 days until I leave for Yellowstone and I can't wait to get to dryer climates and mountain air.  I sure wish Cathy would come with me, as I think she would love the job and the people.

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