Sunday, May 29, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 10

   Well today I got a feel for what it will be like at peak season here at Yellowstone. It is Saturday Memorial Day weekend and the place was packed with tourists.  Our store was busier than Wal-Mart at Christmas time.  The boss said we did $40,000 worth of sales before the 5:30PM break.  He also said we did more sales than the Yellowstone Canyon store, which is our rival store in the park.  Once I stepped behind the cash register at the start of my shift the traffic never stopped.  I was very glad for my mid-morning break as I needed a nap.  Once back to work after dinner the activity seemed to slow down some as there were actually times I could take a breath.

  I am writing this on Sunday because the Verizon cell tower was going up and down all day Saturday.  Some think it was the massive amount of tourists that were hitting the internet through the tower that did it, but I do not know. 

  I met a lot of people Saturday from outside the U.S. with Australia being the most interesting.  I talked to them about my brother Dirk being stationed at Ayres Rock and how he and his family coped with being there for duty.  I also managed to meet a couple from New Jersey that were very pleasant, because during my Navy days mostly all the people I met from New Jersey were rather hard to deal with.  So it was good to know that there are pleasant people from there. 

  Well that is all for now and I hope I can get this uploaded before the tourists take over the tower.  Take care and stay well.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it was Alice Springs. If you told them I was stationed at Ayers Rock, they probably gave you a look since the only thing there is a big rock. And baby-eating dingos.
