Saturday, May 28, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 9

  Well today I worked the late shift 11:25 to 9:50PM, with a three hour break for dinner.  It was a good day in that it was payday and I received my first check from Delaware North.  A whopping $174.05. So to all those pundits out there that thought I could not earn a wage at anything besides the federal government.  All I can say in “Neener Neener”. 

  Work was fairly uneventful except I have been seeing some pretty strange behavior from Chinese tourists.  Tonight we had a young lady purchase a bowl of ramen noodles and proceed to put it in our microwave without putting any water in it.  I do not know what she was thinking as I figured it was pretty much universal knowledge that dried noodles required water to cook.  Well needless to say she stunk up the place and if it was not for a stock guy walking by she would have probably caused a fire.  I am getting real used to counting out the change for many foreign tourists as our coins are sometimes beyond what they can translate.  This does not bother me at all as I did the same thing to the cashiers in Belize when I went there my first time.  I am glad God is always watching me as I know some unscrupulous cashier could easily take advantage of counting other people’s money.   With God over my shoulder I try to do the best at getting all the change back and forth as honestly as I can.  I also tried my hand a more foreign names and I am doing pretty good with the Chinese but the Indian first names are really tough.  All the people are generally happy that I tried to pronounce their names and they repeat it for me so I can learn and get better through the summer.

  As I worked the late shift I looked out the window behind me and saw a coyote walking outside my window next to our sidewalk.  The lady I was waiting on ask me if it was safe for her to walk back to the Old Faithful Inn and I told her that the coyote is pretty skittish and will not bother her but if it was a grizzly all bets are off.  She did not seem to be reassured by my statement, but hey I cannot guarantee anyone’s safety once they leave the store.

  Well that is about the extent of my day.  I hope you all had a great day and until tomorrow “Keep your Powder Dry”.

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