Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 5

   Well one of the things I feared would happen did happen today.  I was informed that a friend of the family passed away.  It was sudden and unexpected and it happened as the family was dealing with another medical issue in their family.  I figured that something like this would happen and I really did not know how I would handle it.  Of course there is the sudden sorrow for this family and the wish I could be there to give a kind word or a hug.  I talked to God several times today and asked Him if he would send comfort to the family during this time and to help them with strength through another medical issue they are dealing with.  I will not mention the family’s name out of respect for them but for all of you reading this just ask God to watch over Bret’s friends and their families during the very trying time.  God knows who they are and I know he hears all prayer.

  Well today was my first day at working a split shift.  In at 11:25 out at 2:30 and back to work at 5:30 until 9:45.  The store closes at 9:30 but I have to count my cash drawer in order to leave.  The newbies questioned the split shift but I tell you after today I am grateful for the 3 hour break as there was a major shopping rush during the first part of my shift and I barely even had time to breath.  I have been told that this is just the tip of the iceberg and to just wait until July and August when a few million people visit the park.  Can’t wait. J  The second part of my shift was pretty good and not as busy so I was able to straighten up stock and to prepare the area for tomorrow’s shift. 

  I got to meet quite a few people from different countries today and the newest one was a couple from Italy and one from the Czech Republic.  I did have a nice experience with four Chinese girls that came into shop.  You see one of the things we are supposed to do with all transactions is to call the customer by their first name if we could get the name off a credit card. It seems that satisfaction of shopping goes up 11% when you are called by your first name.  So the first Chinese girl paid with a credit card and I looked at the card and then asked if her name was pronounced such and such.  She giggled and said I was close and she repeated it to me.  The next girl paid with a credit card and I tried again to pronounce her name.  Well she said I was pronouncing it better than most and that gave me more confidence for the next girl.  Well she paid with a credit card and I tried her name out and she laughed and said it was ok but I felt it was not as close as it could have been.  She repeated it back to me and believe me I was about 20% close.  The last girl looked and me and said she was going to pay with cash but decided I need to try her name out.  I looked at the card and after 3 girls’ names I nailed this one and she let out a laugh and told me I did pretty good.  I thanked them all for their patience with me and to have a great time in the park.  They all laughed and wished me a good day too.  It is those types of interactions that I make my day. 

  Well I have the next two days off and will be either traveling up north to see some bear or traveling to Cody Wyoming for a trip to Walmart.  The trip up north will depend on what the ranger tells me as it is still snowing here occasionally but not sticking too much.  The second day off will be a trip south to get a glimpse of the Grand Tetons.  I have put my order in for lunch for these two days as the group here that feeds us will make us a sack lunch to take with us on our tourist journeys. I ordered peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, cookies and a root beer.  I cannot wait until the weather is warm enough to picnic up on the mountain for lunch with a view from 10,000 feet up.

  Well thanks for reading and I will leave you with a thought from Will Rogers “All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance.”  Until tomorrow.


  1. Good reading, Bret. I am sorry about your friend. Will pray for all involved.

  2. I will pray for your friends, Bret! Have a great couple of days off and I can't wait to hear more about your great adventure.
