Thursday, May 26, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 8

  Well today was a back to work day.  After 2 days off to do some exploring it was hard to get up and know that I have the long shift to do for the next four days.  I stayed up and read until late last night so I decided to sleep through breakfast today and just made it to lunch before starting my shift at 11:25.  I brought several books with me to read.  The Bible being one of them as I have daily Bible reading and some devotion studies to accomplish.  But I also brought several books of one of my favorite authors Clive Cussler.  I am reading “Havana Storm” now featuring Dirk Pitt and Al Girodino.  If you have never given Cliver Cussler a try I would recommend him to anyone.  They are clean and can be read to my grandsons without any issues.  A couple of his books have been made into movies.  “Raise the Titanic” and “Sahara” are the two.

   The shift went pretty well and I was put on the grocery side of the store.  It is always busy there during the day as many come to get food and stuff as eating in the park is pretty expensive.  Ramen noodles are a big seller as well as Hot Pockets.  Unfortunately alcohol is a big seller too.  I do not have any issue with an occasional beer or glass of wine, but the amount of hard liquor that is beng bought is pretty startling.  It was very busy up until my midday break.  I went back to the common room to watch a little TV but the crowd was watching some BBC program and I just could not maintain interest.  So it was back to the room for a call to Cathy and a nap.  Seems like Linton had a nice storm come through today.  Here it has been sunny most of the day.

  After the midday break I went back to work and as it was pretty slow I got to talk to some customers at a greater length and had a great conversation with four guys in from Birmingham England.  They really liked the park and said their adventure here has been enjoyable.  I told them I would love one day to visit England and see what real history looks like as their cities and towns go way farther back than anything the U.S. has.  They agreed that they have some very interesting castles and buildings to visit.  I guess one day I will have to make that a bucket list Item.  That is if I can get Cathy to get a passport and on a plane again.  :)  Business at the store slowed down to a crawl and the boss wanted to know if Bob, they fellow I worked with, or I wanted to leave an hour and a half early.   Bob said he wanted to stay as he needed the money and I agreed to leave early.  So here I am updating the blog with not much going on at all. 

  I still am happy that you are reading about my adventure and I am pretty sure I will have more routine days like today than exciting adventure days.  So I hope you check back occasionally as I promise that there will be a good nugget or two to read about.  Take care and be well and do good things for those around you.   


  1. I enjoy reading your blog, even on slow days. You are very descriptive in your writing and I try to imagine what it all looks like. Of course, your pictures help me to see if my imagination is anything like the real thing. Thanks for taking the time to post. We may never make it out to Yellowstone, so it is nice to explore vicariously through your adventures. Have a great evening!

  2. Thanks Pat and you have a good evening also.

  3. Keep writing, Bret. I am enjoying all of it. I had to miss the last two dats, but it was good to finally have some time and get to catch up on what you have been doing.

    1. Thanks and I will. Some days may be exciting and other day will be pretty much routine.
