Thursday, September 1, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 106

   Back to work today on late shift. After the last two days I needed the rest and slept in. Got up and took a shower and got back to room to decide if I wanted to start cleaning the room or wait until tomorrow. Well tomorrow won out and I decided to read for awhile. 
   After lunch I clocked in and got my til ready. I worked in the grocery and business was just steady. The weather today was particularly good and I think the tourists liked it. The wind has moved the smoke further north. So that helped everyone's sinuses for sure.  
   I was relieved at two thirty for break and took a nice nap. After dinner I went back to work and business was pretty slow. Robert asked me if I wanted to leave early tonight and I said yes. So after I stocked the two walk-in refrigerators I was able to clock out two hours early. Now I am sitting in the common room watching the Cubs play the giants. After a bit I will get the dorm vacuum and get my floor done.
  That is about all for today. Nothing exciting and not much going on. Take care you all and only two and a half more work days left. 

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