Sunday, September 4, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure 2016 - Final Entry

Well this is my last blog and in lieu of telling about the day I would like to say some thanks and goodbyes.

To Delaware North. Thanks for hiring me and letting me experience life as a temporary worker. All I can say is that it has been an eye opening experience and I have learned a lot about how business is done in the park. 

To my bosses Carrie and Garth. You both held up well herding the cats all summer. For two young individuals you shouldered a lot of responsibility. I think you did fine at dealing with issues as they came up and you both showed a lot of caring for those put under you.  I wish you both success in your next endeavor and in all you do.

To my main floor supervisor Robert, aka Perry Como. Your management style was interesting at best, but effective in that those that wanted to work worked well for you. I wish you success and safety in all your life hikes. It has been a pleasure knowing you.

To my alternate floor supervisor Kathy and her husband Terry. You both are hard workers and it was a pleasure working with you both. Kathy you were a great supervisor in my opinion as I like your management style. I wish you safe travels in that camper of yours and in whatever you do.

To my co-worker and friend Bob. It has been great working side by side with you. Also it was good to have a Cub fan in the dorm. Thanks for helping me wrestle control of the dorm TV to watch the Cubs play. I wish you well in your next adventure at West Yellowstone and I wish you good health.  Stay positive Bob no matter what you do or wherever you go.

To my co-worker and friend Patrick. I will always remember you and your sense of humor. You sure did liven up the work day. I know you will always stay active doing something and if you head for Thailand as you indicated, then I wish you safe travels and a long life. Remember I will be praying for you.

To my co-worker and friend, who turned supervisor, Mika. Thanks for asking for my wisdom in your decision to move to being a supervisor. That made me feel great to be able to help. You are very mature for your age and I know whatever you do you will succeed. I wish you well in your future and I know that wherever you go or whatever you do, you will work hard. You were a big bright spot in my summer and I thank you for being my friend.  Keep shooting those rubber bands and keeping others smiling. p.s. I know you are a friend on Facebook so feel free to read any of these to those I left behind who may not have access to the web.

To my friends in the EDR. James, Kathy, David, Karl and Rich. You all succeeded in making meal time special. You cared about everyone you cooked for and they all loved you for it. The EDR is hard work but you all did it well, even with all the equipment failures. I wish you success in your next jobs or if you are taking a break I wish you a peaceful rest. You all deserve it.

To my friend Jack. To find a Christian working here with your wisdom was a diamond in the rough.  Thanks for the hike and for the advice on where to go in the park. I will miss you and our talks after church. You’re a fine man and an example of a Godly worker. I wish you nothing but the best.  May God bless you with good health and many more hikes.

To my friends Sandy and Bill.  Thanks for being a great Christian couple. Thanks for the hike and the conversation. You both are hard workers who set examples for those around you. I wish you safety in your travels and a long and happy marriage.  Keep smiling and telling others about Jesus.  Your study of the Holy Spirit is just the beginning of doing great work for the Lord.

To my friend George.  You are one energetic guy. Your as hard a worker as I ever met and your one of the most even tempered people I have ever met. Thanks for the hike and for the hiking advice. I have no doubts you will be great at whatever you decide to do. Thanks also for the long talk on our hike. It is good to talk to others about Christ and religion in general. Don't worry about what others think just be contented and happy in what you put your hand to do.  I will miss you my friend.

To my friend William. You are one crazy goof but that is what makes you a special person. Thanks for the poem and thanks for the laughs. I am sorry you will have to find someone else to give you surplus pizza now. Keep reading the Bible and keep asking questions. Jesus has a lot to teach us all about living differently in this world.  I wish you nothing but success in where ever the wind sends you.

To my friend Anna. Thanks for all the hard work you do. Moving from fountain to custodian was not easy, but you shined through as a hard worker. You are a bundle of energy and I would not bet against you in any race or any distance hike. Stay well Anna and please make great decisions in the future. I pray you will find the path that makes you as happy as the paths you hiked in Yellowstone.

To my friends, and sometime bosses, Michelle and Anita. You both organized the dungeon well and managed to keep the store supplied with inventory to make the tourists happy. You both were great at your job and were great to work with. I know that you will do great wherever to head to next. Thanks for putting up with me and the occasional times where I broke some inventory.  Michelle I will still not be able to fold clothes as good as you wanted also I still feel the park rangers are too restrictive when it comes to bears. :)

To my friend Doris. Even though you put on the crusty air of a senior citizen, you have a golden heart. You care for all those around you and you are not afraid to correct anyone of bad behavior no matter what age they are. You do this because you care that those older set an example for those younger and those younger make better decisions. I will miss your infectious laugh. May God grant you good health and success in whatever you set out to do.

To my sometime boss Ron. You ran the grocery well and you did this with less help than was required. You are a hard worker and an example to others. I will pray that your lungs clear out from the bout of pneumonia that I think you had. I wish you nothing but success in all you do or set your mind to. Thanks for putting up with a goober like me asking you where stuff was when I stocked goods for you.

To my friend Kevin. It was a pleasure working with you. You worked hard no matter where you were placed. Your even temper and calm demeanor is something to be admired. I wish you well wherever you find yourself in the future and will say a prayer for your direction in life.

To Brian and Lindsay. Thanks for helping to get the dorm life under control. Stepping up like you did showed a lot of maturity and it really helped the situation.  Thanks Brian for helping me to find stock to get onto the floor.  I wish you both good luck in your life direction.

To dorm life. I won't miss you at all.

To Kai, Connie, Annie and all the other Taiwanese workers. You always smiled everyday and you worked hard in whatever position you were placed. Thanks for the laughs and the rubberband fights. I will remember you all for sure.  May God give you safe travels back home and may you one day visit America again.

To Dennis and Mary Ann, Mike and Kathy, Candice, Race, Cindy, Rodney, Josh, Hans and all the rest of the Delaware North crew. It has been great working with you all and I pray your futures will be bright.

Goodbye to the following questions I hope I never hear again:

  1. Where is the bathroom
  2. Can I get change for a dollar
  3. Which way is Old Faithful
  4. Where is the bathroom
  5. Can you tell me if this wine is any good
  6. Can you tell me which beer is best
  7. What does this whiskey taste like
  8. Where are the bathrooms (Pretty annoying isn't it?)
  9. Where can I get something to eat
  10. Do you sell stamps
  11. Where is the visitor center
  12. Can you stamp my passport book
  13. Does the Teton association membership get me a discount
  14. Does my senior park pass get me a discount
  15. Where are the bathrooms, yours are closed for cleaning
  16. Do you sell bear spray
  17. Do you have this in another size
  18. If I buy this will it come with a box
  19. How much does this cost
  20. Where can I get ice cream
  21. Which is the best place to eat
  22. Where are the animals located
  23. What is the best route
  24. How long does it take to see all the park
  25. Where is the penny squishing machine
  26. Can I drive up to Old Faithful and watch it erupt
  27. When will Old Faithful erupt
  28. How often does Old Faithful erupt
  29. Can I drink a beer and watch Old Faithful
  30. (And the ever popular and always hated) If it does not scan then it must be free right

To Yellowstone. In the past I was only able to see you superficially. But this summer you allowed me to see the inner you. Your shining mountains, your peaceful valleys, your raging rivers, your whispering streams, your interesting geysers, your clear lakes, your active wildlife and your isolated trails. You have etched your beauty into my heart this summer and have allowed me to have so many stories to tell others. One day I may be back but your memories will be with me for a long time.

To my wife Cathy.  What can I say. Yellowstone was special but you are many more times special to me. Thanks for allowing me this adventure. I was worried about how you would handle the home front while I was gone but it took only a few weeks for me to realize that I had nothing to worry about.  I have missed you every day and cannot wait to have my navigator by my side once again as we travel.  I love you and hope one day we could be working side by side on a joint adventure.

To my God. The father of my Savior Jesus Christ. I could not have done any of this without the blessings you have given me in my life. From my job, my retirement, my family and my church you have blessed me. I pray that the seeds I planted here will one day blossom into a life dedicated to Jesus as saviour and Lord. Thank you so much.

Finally to all those that read this blog, either in total or in part. I thank you for coming on this adventure with me. I hope my ramblings have educated you in some way about life working and living in Yellowstone.  If you ever wish to pick my brain on being a temporary worker or Yellowstone in general all you have to do is ask. Thanks again and just like Marvel does with their Avengers movies. Since you made it through the credits I will tell you that Adventure 2016 is coming to a close but Adventure 2017 is being planned now. Bucket list item of traveling down the Colorado River in a raft through the Grand Canyon will be checked off in 2017. So hang in there for another blog coming in 2017. Thanks again for reading my ramblings.


  1. Bret, Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.

  2. Brett, It was an honor working with and getting to know. Your cheerful personality and positive attitude will be missed. I wish you happiness and many more adventures along your path in life.

    Take care my friend

    1. Thank you Rich and may you have a great experience in West Yellowstone. Stay well.

  3. Hobbs, you are one crazy old 'coot!! The neighborhood has missed you - see ya soon! Thanks for the blog.

    1. Thanks Craig. So sorry to hear about Tricia's Dad. The family has been in my prayers.
