Saturday, September 3, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 108

  Got up early to get my last load of laundry done. I also got ninety percent of my stuff packed in the two totes I brought. I still have my bedding and some electronics to pack but I now only need about a half an hour to load up and leave. I still do not know if I will get to take off early tomorrow but I am ready. By the way on my last day I will be moved to day shift. So I hope to work from seven thirty until eleven thirty and then leave, but we will see.
  After a great lunch of pork chops and corn on the cob I clocked in to work. Just like it has been it was steady but not overly busy. I meant to tell you that yesterday I had my biggest one customer sale since I have been here. Six hundred dollars of merchandise sold to one couple at one time. My personal record. Also yesterday I had a foreign couple come to my register and place two jackets down for purchasing. I scanned the items and told them the total was sixty four dollars. The husband said to me in a thick accent "I will give you fifty dollars for both." I replied "Where are you from?" and the wife said Bulgaria and that they bargain at their stores for goods they wish to purchase. I laughed and said "First of all you are in America and second I am a minimum wage employee and not the owner of the store. So if you do not want to pay sixty four dollars then you will just have to move along. We don't dicker on prices." The wife apologized and paid for the items and the husband just grunted with disgust that he could not show his prowess at bargaining. Got to love those foreign tourists.
  Another interesting thing happened yesterday to my co-worker Patrick. It seems a father and son approached his register and the father turned in his son for shoplifting items from the store. The father told Patrick he would pay for the items but wanted his son reported for being a thief. Patrick was kind of taken aback but told the father paying for the items would suffice in his eyes and hoped his son learned a lesson as shoplifting in a national park is pretty serious. Patrick said the son looked remorseful but he felt the dad really wanted him punished. Interesting event for sure. I don't know how I would have handled it but I think I would have called Carrie or Garth and further ensured the kid sweated a little longer. Sometimes a little sweating could prevent the kid from doing a stupid thing like this in the future.
  After break I had dinner and clocked in. The store was fairly steady and continued to be so until about seven. I then stocked the refrigerator and put up stock until quitting time.  The evening was pretty uneventful and after clocking out I will start to load up the car with totes that I will not need tonight.  Only one day left and I start work at seven thirty tomorrow. Take care and be well.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a pretty interesting last whole day on the job.
