Friday, September 2, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 107

  Got up early to get some room cleaning done. I worked on getting the car cleaned out and ready to store my totes.  Headed for lunch at eleven and clocked in for night shift at eleven twenty five. Once I clocked in I got called into Garth's office. It seems all employees get graded before they leave and it was my turn. I got some really good marks and Garth wished me well. I thanked him and went back to a fairly busy cash register.  Today I talked to three couple's from Indiana and one even knew about Linton. Business was pretty steady until the break.
  At the break I got to see Cubs game get finished. Another Cubs win. Yes! During break I worked on the room some more.
  After dinner break business slowed down to a crawl and I got off early. After completing this blog I will pack at least one tote and tomorrow first thing I will get final laundry done. A day and a half of work left and today was payday. A great day. Take care you all and stay positive.

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