Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 2

   Ron wanted me to start working on Wednesday, so today was my day off.  I decided to get up and eat breakfast, which is the only meal they allow all employees to eat in the Employee Dining Room (EDR).  For lunch and dinner we are supposed to take it to our rooms and eat.  Not fun at all as I miss talking to my fellow workers and friends. After breakfast I decided to take a small 3 mile hike bordering the Madison River.  You see the Madison River is created in Yellowstone from the confluence of the Gibbon and Firehole Rivers.  They have a hiking and skiing trail close to the entrance of the park at West Yellowstone. This area is also good for entering the river and fly fishing.  You can see the pictures below on some shots of the river and a few people fishing in it.

  After walking the trail I decided to head into West Yellowstone for a tea and then head back to the dorm.  It did not take me long to discover that to leave the park was a bad decision as the tourists were lined up for two miles trying to enter the park. It was even after 10AM and they still were packed trying to get in.  So I decided to get my tea and head to quake lake and just drive around looking at the scenery until the entrance clears.  Below are some pictures of what happened the night an earthquake struck the area and several people were killed.  It was a very bad time and was also very interesting as to what happened to the land and the rivers and the lakes of the area.

  As few pictures of the lake created by the dam.

  After traveling around the lake I headed into a brief section of Idaho and then back to West Yellowstone.  I picked up lunch at the McDonald's , as I missed lunch at the dorm.  I then headed to the park entrance where it was still backed up but only for a few hundred yards.  I entered the park and quickly learned that I should never drive around the park during the height of tourist season.  In one stretch around Grand Prismatic, it took me one hour to go 10 miles.  Believe me I will never do this traveling again.

   Tomorrow I start my shift in grocery.  I will be working 9AM to 6PM Wednesday through Saturday.  I think I can get a half hour lunch in there at a time of my choosing.  I am sure I will be working later than 6PM some days as there is too many tourists to stock some areas and those areas can only be stocked when the places closes.  Delaware North is having no issues with overtime during this season.  I hope to later go on a walk around the geyser area to get my steps in for today.  Take care and thanks for reading.

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