Thursday, July 29, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 4

   After my first work day I decided to head to bed around 8:30, as my legs needed a rest.  I slept real well up until 5:20AM when the dorm fire alarm went off. It seems that someone in the south dorm was doing laundry and the dry belt seized, but the motor kept on going.  The dryer started smoking and then the smoke alarm went off.  The procedure is that everyone in all dorms are to leave their rooms and congregate in the parking lot, with someone doing a head count.  It was a brisk 50 degrees this morning and not too many of my co-workers were very happy, but we managed to get into groups and chat and joke.  The fire department sent the rangers first and then the fire engine came.  They were all dressed like they would fight an inferno.  After about 30 minutes they let the people go back into their dorm who did not live in the dorm with the smoke issue.  Since I do no live in the general purpose dorm this year, I went back to take a shower and get ready for breakfast.  By the way I did not tell you that I was put in the married dorm in a room by myself. Ron in grocery said he had to pull a few strings to get that to happen, but I think he was kidding.  The dorm is very nice and the room is about the same size as the other dorm, but it is a lot quieter.


   After breakfast I went into work for about a half an hour and then I got in line for my COVID test.  They do a quick results test of all the employees.  I passed with flying color, but I sure do not like things shoved up my nose.  The interesting turn is that I had to shove the q-tip up my own nose.  They did not do it just rooted me on to do each nostril for 10 seconds or so.  After the test I had to blow my nose for about 10 minutes.  We only had one person test positive and they retested him and he tested negative.  So for precaution they are sending the sample to a lab and he has to stay in his room until the get an all clear.  He won't be named, but was not happy at all.

   I was informed that yesterday we set, or tied, a new sales record of $108,000 one day store sales.  When the rains came people flocked to the store and while they were taking refuge they spent money.  Ron in grocery was happy.

   For lunch today James and Kathy fixed Bar-B-Q spare ribs, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, and salad.  It was great, which is why I wont be eating dinner.  That was a huge lunch.  Ron and I discussed how to adjust my shift to make sure my legs are not wore out.  So he authorized me to come in around 8AM and work til Noon and then come back around 2PM and work until 6PM.  I still get my 8 hours, but i get to put my legs up for a couple hours to rest.  Today my legs felt much better with the break.

   Well that is about all for today.  Fire alarm, COVID test, rain and thunder again and a packed store full of smelly tourists.  Not much else going on.  :)  Take care and as a side request please pray for Cathy's sister Janie.  I hate cancer. 

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