Saturday, July 31, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 6

    Slept pretty well last night. My knees and feet sure do like the sleep, but through the day my knees are really screaming at me.  I left my turmeric home that I take for inflammation in the knees.  I will have to pick some up on my day off.

   Breakfast was good old biscuits and gravy.  I could eat that and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and be happy for sure.  Not to mention Oreo cookies and milk for dessert.  Today was the first day I opened by myself, as Ron finally got a morning off.  He works very hard trying to keep the grocery going and with me and Mark here he will now get some time off.  The first thing I had to do was to stock the fountain area with chips and sandwiches.  We go a load of pre-made sandwiches yesterday that needed to be stock in the fountain.  When we were stocking them in the refrigerator we noticed that two boxes of egg salad sandwiches that arrived yesterday expired yesterday.  Not very good of the warehouse to send those to us to fulfill an order.  Ron says that he has had a lot of issues this year with the pre-made sandwiches.  I would advise any of my friends to stay away from them when visiting and buy our lunch meat and cheese and make your own. Just a tip.

   I think you will like the photo below.  The tip is that you should not ever park your outdoor grill under a roof line where ravens perch.  Just a warning folks.

  Not too much else happening today.  Business was good.  Tourists were polite and grocery kept me on my toes stocking the drink cooler.  It was a little hot today and we sold a lot of water, pop and beer.

   Tomorrow is my Friday and my knees are looking forward to a break from walking.  I don't think I will be doing any hiking on the days off.  I think I will head to some ghost towns to explore.  Take care and please pray for Janie Elliott.

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