Sunday, August 1, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 – Day 7 (TGIF for me anyway)

   Got up today looking forward to the day as it was my Friday.  I have Monday and Tuesday off to rest my legs.  Slept a little longer than I wanted but was able to get to breakfast around 7:30AM and then head into work at 8AM.  I immediately set to stocking the fountain area with chips, sandwiches and drinks.  The place was not fully empty because Mark and I worked on stocking some sandwiches the day before, but it still took me the better part of an hour to get the place ready for tourists.  After getting fountain squared away I set to getting grocery squared away.  The pop and beer cooler need stocking, as well as the milk and meat cooler.  The day turned fairly hot and I could tell without going outside.  The water and Gatorade was being sold at a rapid pace.  I think I stocked 500 bottles of water after lunch alone.  We had a canine visitor today.  My store boss brought her dog into the store for the day because it was sick over night and they wanted to keep an eye on it.  See picture below of Milo.  He was mostly friendly although he did back at some people who he thought might have been sneaking up on him.I handed in my time card to the store boss who entered the data into the system.  I put in 41 hours my first week and my legs can tell you that was a lot.  Just today I did 19,400 steps and for the week I think I averaged 15,500 steps a day.  They pay weekly and I will start to get paid next Friday.  It will be good to offset some of the expenses for getting here to work.  After work I gathered my clothes and headed to the other dorm to wash my stuff.  I was lucky in the the washer and dryers were free.  Sometimes there is a long wait to get clothes done.  While washing the clothes I worked on my Sunday School lesson for today and did some Bible reading.  I was very disappointed to learn that the christian group that does the services did not have a Sunday night service due to shortage of people.  They only have a Sunday morning service.  Since I work on Sunday mornings I will have to have my own Bible study in the evenings.  I am hoping others will join me.  I also brought communion with me to share with others too.  After Bible study I ate a lunch meat sandwich for dinner, as lunch was huge today and pretty much filled me up.  Tomorrow I will be doing some sight seeing outside the park and will pack a PB&J lunch from the EDR.  I love eating my lunch in front of a fast river or in a mountain valley.  Not too much else happened today, but Mark and Mary heard that a wolf took down an elk around West Thumb and they were going to see if the elk was eaten yet.  Sometimes a wolf takes an elk down and then a grizzly bear decides he wants the elk and chases the wolves away.  Nature at it's best.  Take care and pray for each other.  Thanks for reading.

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