Thursday, August 12, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 18

   Nothing really exciting happened today at all.  Pretty much a boring day of stocking, walking, fixing shelves, directing tourists, and putting lots and lots of water into the walk in coolers.  The temperature has been in the 80's, which is pretty hot for this high up.  When the temperature is that high the tourists drink the water continually. Water and Gatorade were the big sellers today. We were informed today that our grocery delivery truck wont be there tomorrow but will arrive on Saturday.  That means we will have a few empty shelves to contend with.  Ron does not like the empty shelf space, but he cannot do much when trucks can't arrive on days they are supposed to and that certain stock has either been out of stock or unavailable.  I think we are down to 5 brand of potato chips, rather than the 10 we normally have. But I have always said to Ron. "It does not make any difference what we have the tourists will buy it."  I even went as far as saying that if we only had two varieties of potato chips, the tourists would just buy them and not complain.  Sometimes we give people way too many choices and I think it is contributing to ADD.

   That is about all.  17000 steps today and my legs are very tired.  Take care and keep the prayers going for my sister-in-law Janie.  Thanks.

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