Saturday, August 14, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 20

   It was a tough day.  18,500 steps today.  The delivery truck arrived today, as they were delayed yesterday.  They showed up about 1PM and about the same time as the heat arrived.  I was stocking a case of two liter water every 15 minutes it seemed this after noon.  The heat and the sun was beating down on the tourists and we made a killing selling water, Gatorade and sunscreen. By the way here is a tip for you. If you ever come to the mountains buy your sunscreen at  Wal-Mart before you come as we charge $19 for a bottle of 50 protection sunscreen. You have been warned.  After Ron looked over the invoice he found out that over a 100 items he ordered were either out of stock or unavailable.  Ron told me something that I did not know concerning Delaware North and the general stores in Yellowstone. It seems Ron is an oddity because out of the 11 general stores in Yellowstone only 2 or 3 have grocery managers.  The rest quit.  I have also learned today that the hotel next to us called the Snow Lodge is having some difficulty getting help to clean rooms when guests check out.  The situation is going to come to a head tomorrow I guess as the majority of room cleaners they have are quitting.  It also seems that the regular workers who work in other areas are being told that they would have to work in the room cleaning one day a week.  Some are now required to work 6 days a week.  I guess I can see why some are quitting to get better paying jobs with regular hours.  For those with reservations they may be having to cancel some in the not to distant future if they have no help to keep the hotel running.

   Ron also told me that two years ago when I left around October 14th, the weather turned very bad.  There was a day that the store hit -30 degrees and I guess pipes started bursting and the heat could not keep up with what mother nature was throwing at them.  It sounded like I left just at the right time, although I think I would like to experience that temperature at sometime in my life and survive.  :)

   That is all for today. Keep praying for Janie and each other.  Don't forget to go to church tomorrow.  Thanks for reading.

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