Thursday, August 19, 2021

And Another Was Taken By Cancer

   Today we lost my Sister-In-Law Janie to cancer.  I have said it so many times before to God and others how much I hate cancer.  Our cancer list at church is long and sometimes it gets so discouraging to have people leav e our list only through death.  I have to remind myself continually that God is in charge and He does hear all our prayers.  I know there is a reason for why some get healed and live long lives, while others do not.  I just have to trust that God knows what is needed.  

   The one thing my Mom said when Dad passed away was that she wondered how anyone could make it through a loss of a loved one without God and family.  Today the family gathered around and supported each other with hugs and tears.  The funeral home is doing a great job setting things up for the services next week. I am sure pictures and songs that Janie would have loved will be used at the memorial.  As I have said before I have no sisters but when I married Cathy I got two great sisters.  Today I lost one and it hurts a lot.  Janie welcomed me into the family when I married Cathy and always went out of her way to help me adjust to what it was like to marry an Elliott and a coal miner's daughter.  She will be missed.

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