Saturday, August 7, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 13

   It rained overnight, which was good as I think it helped put out whatever fire was started the previous day.  At lease when I went for breakfast the sky was clear.  Woke up this morning to a very cold room.  I keep my window cracked all the time as we have no air and I keep a fan on low.  Last night the temperature dropped to 39 degrees.  So it was great sleeping weather but lousy to get up to.  After being shocked awake by the cold I showered and dressed and headed to breakfast.  We had french toast today and it was a good meal to start the day with.  

   I got into grocery ans spent about an hour and a half getting the fountain area ready for customers.  Mark and Jack both were working with me today, so the day was pretty smooth in keeping up with the tourists.  Ron came into work around noon to get the rest of the stock inventoried and then he took off.  Ron works about 7 days a week and with Mark and I here he is able to take most of Saturday and Sunday off.  

   Lunch was pretty great today as Kathy, Jim and Andrew fixed us steak, baked potatoes and coconut cream pie.  He also has asparagus, which I respectfully gave to Ron who likes them.  This is one of the reasons I come back to this store to work, Jim and Kathy and the EDR staff do a great job feeding the workers. 

   After lunch break I went back into the grocery and stocked some more.  Basically the way the store flows is this.  If Old Faithful is about to go off then the store is not that crowded as the tourists all out there waiting to see the event.  During this time we can move around the store more freely to stock and clean and adjust the shelves.  When Old Faithful finishes going off, then the tourists descend on the store like cattle to a feeding trough.  That is when I mostly head to the coolers to stock as we cannot even move around the area with so many people crowded into such a small place.  Basically that is how the ebb and flow works all day.  The people in the store really hope that the timing of Old Faithful going off is close to 6PM, as we close at 6PM.  If Old Faithful goes off at 5:45 and the tourists rush into the store, then when we announce we are closing at 6PM, they just hang around and shop like they don't care.  We practically have to push them out the door. The staff works long hours and would definitely like to get out of the store as quickly as possible. 

   Not much else going on today but only one funny story.  A Mexican lady came up to me and could not read English very well.  She held up two items from our healthcare aisle and asked me if they were the same.  One was Rolaids and the other was Ex-Lax.  I explained to her no. I did my best to explain to her one was for an upset stomach with heartburn and the other was for when you could not go to the bathroom.  She smiled back and nodded her head, but I don't think I did very well explaining it to her.

   Take care all and thanks for reading my ramblings.  Have a great evening and please continue to pray for Janie and each other. 

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