Sunday, August 8, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 14 (TGIF)

   I woke up knowing that this Sunday is my Friday and my knees will be glad for the rest.  Slept well as the weather was nice and cool.  Breakfast was cereal and a bagel and then headed into the store. Mark and I worked hard the day before so my morning was very easy compared to other days I have had.  Let me tell you a little about Mark my grocery co-worker.  I have worked with Mark, and his wife Mary, a couple of years now and they are both hard workers and good christian examples.  They hail from Texas and in a previous work life Mark was a baseball coach and he was one of the batting practice pitchers for the Houston Astros for many years.  He has some great stories about what he did for the team and the people he got to meet.  His first tryout as batting practice pitcher was to pitch to Jose Cruz, Joe Morgan and Nolan Ryan.  He said he had a lot of nerves during that tryout, but he did great and became their BP pitcher for a number of years.  The players he met were nice enough to help his kids that he coached.  They sometimes supplied balls, gloves, shoes, etc for them.  He has some great stories of the people he met and the experience at being one of the Astro group.

   The day went pretty much like normal, but the tourists were down.  I did not mind that because we needed a break to get restocked and get a breather.  The only thing that happened today of interest was the ice machine stopped keeping the ice cold. The machine that holds the bags of ice had about a foot of water in it.  We moved the good bags to another freezer but ended up throwing out about 50 bags of ice.  The difficult thing to understand about this is that we told the ice people that their machine was not keeping the ice cold for several weeks.  They just said they would pass it up the line as they were just delivery people.  Well they are going to have to pay for the ice that went bad and a new machine.  It was a mess in the grocery for a while for sure, but we all chipped in to get the ice out and clean the water up.

   Today we said good bye to Ron, our EDR cook, Jeff and Noom, a couple that I worked with two years ago.  Ron had a medical issue with his Mom that he had to go home to attend to.  Jeff and Noom's contract was over.  We will miss them for sure as they all were good workers.  I don't know if we will be getting any new people in.  The store will be shorthanded for sure if we don't.

   After work I got my laundry done, making sure I got my wallet out of my pants this time.  I did my Bible study while the clothes were washing and later I had my communion.  I am hoping to get others involved in Bible study but so for it is an up hill battle, but I will keep trying.

   Tomorrow I will be taking Bob to West Yellowstone so he can get to the doctor and go see the rendezvous that is happening this week.  I will work on my computer and phone updates and talk to Cathy.  Bob and I have worked together for several years now.  He is a cashier in the store and a good worker. That is about it and I hope you all are well.  Thanks for reading and please pray for my sister in law Janie, and my wife Cathy and sister in law Debbie.  They are going through a rough time right now.

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