Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Suspended

    Sometimes when you plan well life happens. The biggest stumbling block about doing this type of summer work is I am getting old and my family is getting old.  You never know when health issues or just plain old age will call me home.  My sister-in-law Janie has been battling cancer for some time now.  The treatments, though effective, had taken a toll on her body.  Before I left she was having some issues crop up that caused her to be put in the hospital for tests.  The tests revealed that the cancer came back again.  This time Janie decided that she had had enough of the cancer treatments.  I can understand her decision, as I have seen first hand what those treatments do to a person's body and mind.  So when I left for Yellowstone I knew there was a cloud hanging over my time away.  I kept in constant contact with Cathy during this time and was given updates on Janie's progress.  Finally Cathy indicated that Janie had moved from home healthcare to hospice and I knew it was time to come home to support Cathy, her sister Debbie and Cathy's mom and Dad (Don and Norma).  I arranged with Delaware North to suspend my contract on Sunday August 15th as this was my last day of my work week.  The store boss had no issues with this as they knew that family was more important.  Still I did not like to leave the grocery with less workers.  I know that this year is tough on the store as workers are hard to find and the ones that are there are working very very hard to do their jobs.  The store manager indicated that if things iron themselves out and I wanted to come back to finish my contract then I just needed to call them.  

  I left early Monday morning and headed home the fastest way Google Maps indicated.  I drove 12 plus hours Monday and 14 plus hours Tuesday, to arrive home around 9PM.  Cathy met me and we unloaded the truck.  Then we went to see Janie.  I got there and was amazed at how she looked.  The death rattle was in her breathing and her eyes seemed to never close.  I took her hand and Debbie asked me to pray.  I thanked God for helping me to get home and I asked God to take Janie home peacefully.  I told Janie she was loved, but it was OK to go home now.  I know Janie knows the Lord and I know it wont be long before she is with Jesus and there will be no more cancer or tears.  

   Right now it is days of just waiting.  Visiting and holding her hands and wondering if she knows we are there.   Her Mom and Dad are taking it very hard.  Debbie and Cathy are doing the best they can to make her comfortable, even though Janie has stopped talking or responding.  Janie's sons and their wives and grand kids have visited and stay to make sure she was OK.  The neighbors have dropped food off and showed a lot of concern.

   Please pray for this situation as it is a tough time to watch a love one pass away.  I hate cancer and I have for quite some time.

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