Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 9 (Second day off)

    I decided to get up and shower and skip breakfast so I could get an early start on heading to Idaho Falls today.  But when I went to pick up my lunch the EDR made, they convinced me to take a breakfast sandwich for the road.  It looked good so I took one and ate it along the way to West Yellowstone.  I wanted to get a tea and work on some checkbook reconciling before I drove down to Idaho Falls.  When I reached the main gate I noticed it was backed up again and this time it looked to me to be backed up at least 2 miles into West Yellowstone.  I still am amazed that people are coming to the park when so many articles have been written and video shown of the park's over crowding.  I managed to squeeze through traffic, and I mean squeeze, to get my tea and to get to a parking space to work on the computer.  Updating and doing the checkbook took about an hour and when I left the parking space the traffic still had not eased up.  I had to go around several blocks to get through traffic and I had to make a lot of leaps across multiple lanes to get out.  Once I was heading to Idaho Falls I felt a lot better, but 100's of cars were passing my going into West Yellowstone as I drove out of town.  It is a mess.  

   Idaho Falls is about one hour and forty minutes away, but the drive is very pretty.  On a clear day, which we have not had because of the fire haze, you can see the Tetons to the east while driving through Idaho.  I like Idaho Falls as a town.  It has a lot to offer and also some history as well.  I needed to get some turmeric from Wal-Mart as my knee has been swelling some and the turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory. I also wanted to see if the book store had any new paperbacks I could add to my reading material while here.  I have already gone through one book and will be completing another shortly.  I also went to Cabelas to look around and use their bathroom, as they have a pretty clean bathroom. :) When your on the road it pays to note the places that have great bathrooms.  :)  I also went to the mall and looked around for a shirt or two.  Their mall is in a lot better shape than Terre Haute's mall for sure.  They have all their anchor stores still in place and many customers walking around.  After doing the shopping I got gas at the Wal-Mart, $3.69 a gallon.  Many of the tourist places are now charging into the $4.20's for gas.  Thank you president Biden.  :( Before leaving town I decided to go spend some time around the falls of Idaho Falls.  I walked the river walk for a mile or so and took a few pictures, as you can see below.

   After visiting the falls I headed back to the dorm.  Upon getting back I checked to see how the grocery was doing.  Man it was a mess.  I guess the delivery truck came late and stock is stacked up everywhere.  The store had a long term power outage.  The tourists wiped out the drink fridge.  Mark was doing his best to keep things caught up, but he said he was beat.  I can believe it.  So I will try to get plenty of sleep tonight because it looks like tomorrow will be a very busy day.  Thanks for reading and be nice to one another.  

Idaho Falls

A historical cabin in the middle of the Snake River

Idaho Falls

The Spring

The Spring

The spring

Johnny Sack's cabin

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