Friday, August 13, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 19 (Friday the 13th)

  The day went mostly the same as all others except for this mornings shower. I got up and grabbed my stuff and headed for the shower. After taking a nice hot shower I reached out of the shower stall and tried to grab my towel, which was not there. It seems I forgot to bring my towel when I left my room.  So as in most MacGiver  situations I improvised and dried off with my shirt.  That is about the only Friday the 13th experience I had.  I know it is not much and I am glad I where a T-Shirt and shorts when I head down the hall to the joint shower area.

   It has been unseasonably hot here today and we sold a lot of water again.  I hear that it will have a cool down in the next few days and get to be more late summer early fall type weather.  That is about it. Take care and thanks for reading, even these days when nothing much happens.  

p.s. We did catch a baby mouse in the bread shelves.  Turned it loose outside and it will have to fend for itself in the wilds of Yellowstone.  I bet a raven ate it five minutes after we released it.  :)

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