Thursday, August 5, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 11

    Today was very much like the others.  Got up around 7:15, showered, dressed, headed to EDR for breakfast and then into work by around 8AM.  I went straight to fountain and worked on stocking their stuff first.  Ron worked late into the night getting the drinks and such over into fountain, so I had only to get the chips and sandwiches and a few other items loaded.  It still took me until the store opened at 9AM to get fountain caught up. Then I spent a hour and a half in our coolers stocking pop and such.  Then the tourists showed up and the day was hot.  So you can call me water boy because I think I I loaded around 750 bottles of water and 200 bottles of Gatorade.  Not to mention the other drinks and such I have to keep up on. Ron was working with me and he was working hard, but like always it seems we can never keep up with the demand.  The tourists keep coming and now more motorcyclists are showing up because of Sturgis rally in South Dakota.  That is about all I did today and I left at 6PM still thinking I never finished anything.  The only strange thing that happened was a guy came to me holding a little kids hand and ask "Where do I buy a ticket to see Old Faithful?" I told him that no tickets are required and it should be going off again around 3:33PM.  He thanked me and walked away.  Where do people get such notions that we could charge for seeing Old Faithful?  I have had people ask me when do we turn off Old Faithful at night and do we light up Old Faithful so was can see it better at night.  Interesting what people believe or were told.  That is about all.  Legs and back are very tired. Thanks for reading.  Please pray for Janie Elliott.  She is home now and will be getting home healthcare shortly.

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