Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 17 (What a Gas)

    Today is my Monday. After two nice days of rest I headed back to the store for more of the same. Toting, stocking, fixing shelves, breaking down boxes, answering questions by tourists, and of course getting bear sprayed by my own store workers.  Yes you read it right, bear sprayed.  Two years ago a wing-ding Taiwanese kids decided to try out the bear spray in the bathroom. Unfortunately I was in the bathroom trimming my beard when he set it off.  I could barely breath for 10 minutes.  The kid got a few days off without pay.  Today the store manager suspected that the bear spray we had in the store to loan out to employees who hike, was shall we say dated.  So the custodian decides to take the bear spray out back of the store in our loading dock area and test it out.  The bear spray discharged like it was supposed to but the custodian, and the store manager, neglected to take the wind into consideration.  The loading dock is connected to the grocery stock area and then leads into the store through a door we keep open to take stock in and out to the store floor shelves.  I was on the store floor putting elk and bison jerky on display when I noticed that people around me were coughing more than normal.  Then it hit me and I started to cough.  It did not take me long to realize from my painful past memory that someone had set off bear spray.  The customers were asking me what was going on and I told them I think someone set off a can of bear spray.  I managed to put up my stock and I headed back to the grocery stock area and right into the brunt of the spray as it was being drawing in by the wind from the loading dock into the store.  I started to cough more violently and asked who did it and was informed it was one of our custodians.  Everyone in the grocery stocking area was coughing and hacking.  It took quite a bit of time before it cleared the back area and cleared the store floor.  I guess today we gave the tourists an added Yellowstone experience.  Many lessons were learned by the store manager and the custodian.  

   Other than that the day was pretty much the same 17,000 steps and tons of water put on shelves.  Tomorrow I will be spending a lot of time in fountain getting that place squared away before opening.  According to the manager, the business sales totals are slowing down.  Which indicates that the tourists might be slowing down.  I am sure it will spike again before labor day, but it is rather nice to have normal business instead of being slammed all the time.

   Take care all and keep my sister-in-law Janie in your prayers.  God knows what is going on.  Thanks for reading.

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