Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 10 (Back to work)

    After seeing what the store looked like yesterday when I got back from Idaho Falls, I fully expected that my Monday would be tough.  The day did not disappoint .  After a shower and breakfast I clocked n around 7:48 to get a start on stocking the fountain.  As I was heading into the grocery the Pepsi delivery truck was there to stock the fridge and the main drink storage area.  Pepsi delivers their products but also water, tea, Gatorade, and many other drink items.  I loaded up some chips and headed to the fountain whole the Pepsi guy was doing his thing. It took me about 40 minutes to get the fountain chips in order.  When I got back to the grocery the Pepsi guy was finishing up.  It was then I noticed he just put the stuff over the cold stuff in the fridge.  So we had no cold items to put in the shelves.  Ron was not too happy about how he delivered the stuff and put the items away.  So we had to put warm water and Gatorade out on the shelves as it will take at least a day to get all the items in the cooler cold enough.  In the mean time the temperature outside was heating up and that means that the tourists would buy tons of water.

   By the end of the day I did about 16,000 steps and lifted about a ton of drinks.  By my lunch break I was tired and took a nap before returning at 2PM to finish my shift.  The day was hectic and very busy.  Every time I think I would get somewhat ahead, the tourists would descend and clean the place out.  Every two trips to stock the floor items was a trip also into the coolers to stock more water and Gatorade and pop.  I felt like I was playing "Whack-a-Mole"  all day.  When the fountain closed I went there to stock more chips and sandwiches only to find my grocery area low on items.  I really felt today that I did not get anything completely done.  I will have to deal with that feeling all summer until the tourists slow down.  But like I told Ron, you can only do what you can.  Delaware North cant hold anything against those that are trying hard during the 8 plus hours a day.

   After work I was beat and did not eat much as lunch was great and filling.  Please pray for our workers here as they are tired and very overworked.  Please pray for my friend Jim here as he had to sit down today and take a break as he was not feeling very good.  His wife Kathy is worried about him and so am I.  Please pray for him and Kathy.  Take care all and I am going to bed early for sure.

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