Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 23

    Today would have been my regular day off, as I work Wednesday through Sunday and have Monday and Tuesdays off.  I decided to work about 6 hours today as they had two delivery trucks coming in and both were going to be pretty full.  Ron indicated that it was OK because my friend and co-worker Jack is having a health issue that may not allow him to work today.  

   I got up and showered and headed to breakfast around 7:30.  The first truck showed up around 8AM and I clocked in to help unload it and put the stuff in the cooler and on the shelves. The first truck was produce and different cooler items.  The unload went fairly easily and I clocked out around 10AM to await the next delivery truck.

   After lunch the second truck showed up around 1PM. It was packed with items.  We had 215 boxes of pre-made sandwiches we sell in the fountain area.  We had too many boxes to put in the produce cooler so we added some items to the Pepsi cooler.  It took about an hour and a half to unload the truck and then another 2 hours to get some of the items on the shelf or on the floor.  I clocked out around 5PM and Ron was still checking in items for me to put up tomorrow.  I will be back at my regular schedule tomorrow of 8AM to Noon and then back at 2PM until 6PM. Just those few hours I worked gave me 14,000 steps today.  My legs can feel it.  Tomorrow we get a Pepsi delivery and so the Pepsi cooler will be packed for me to put on the shelves.  It will be a busy day for sure.  

   As I write this I have a Raven outside my window making a cawing noise.  Evidently he is trying to establish his territory for the night.  I hope he stops soon as it is pretty annoying.  That is about all for now.  Take care and please be kind to one another.  Thanks for reading.

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