Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 24

   Really nothing much happened at the store today so I will let you in on a few things happening in the park.  Mark and Mary had the day off so they went to Hayden Valley.  It seems that there are two dead bison across the Yellowstone River giving the tourists something to see.  You see wolves brought down one of the bison and were feeding on the carcass for some time.  The other dead bison was being fed on by a grizzly bear.  So the tourists were getting quite a view at how nature works in the park.  Mark and Mary also passed by a very large black bear and her two cubs.  I saw the video of that at it was great.  Mark also said that there was an incident with a bison close to that area.  It seems the bison was minding his own business just laying on the ground.  When the bear and the cubs appeared people started to try to get pictures of the bear and did not realize that the bison was laying there.  The bison got rather upset and jumped up very close to a few foolish tourists.  Let's just say the tourists were scared and the bison headed toward Mark's truck.  Mark thought it was going to ram him but he went off into a picnic area.  The problem was the picnic area was occupied and the tourists in it shouted and that scared the bison more.  Fortunately he took off with out injuring anyone.  This is life in the park folks.

   Worked hard today in the store putting the stock up that came in yesterday and also Pepsi delivered their goods today too.  15,000 steps today and I am beat.  Will be heading to bed shortly after I finish this blog entry.  Take care everyone and stay kind.

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