Saturday, September 11, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 34

  It rained quite a bit last night and that brought the temperature down to a more seasonable range. So I guess we will not be selling as much water and Gatorade today.   Mark, Jack and I were working today which means that I take off at 10AM and come back at 2PM to close the store.  I like the easiness of the business right nw, as I think I am actually gaining on getting things done. When things are very busy I sometimes feel like I am just playing Wack-A-Mole.  As soon as I get one thing done another thing pops up and then when I get that done the thing I just finished needs done again. It plays on your brain if your a person that likes to see things done.

   In 2016 when I first worked here I met a Xantera worker who came into the store regularly to buy frozen microwave chicken.  I always talked to him and just talked about the grocery and the hotel he worked at.  Well every year I have been back I have seen him. This year was a little different as he has decided to become a she.  I find this very sad.  God made him perfect the way he was yet society or Satan or a combination of both convinced him he was not perfect anymore.  Very sad as this is the second time I have made friends with someone who has decided they needed to be another gender.  I pray constantly for my grand-kids because of the world they will be growing up in.  It will take a lot of effort to stay close to God and his word in a world that chooses to twist things like being born a man or a woman.  Right will become wrong and wrong will become right.  Without staying close to the word of God a person will be pulled however Satan chooses.

   On a side note, a tourist showed himself yesterday when the computers went down.  The internet is very sporadic here and the registers need the internet to be up or the computers lock up.  Well the registers started going down and the tourist took it out on the cashier.  It is not the cashiers fault folks and when someone starts to get angry at the cashier it really makes the workers quite mad.  Things can get out of hand rather quickly especially if a tourist is yelling at the wife of a worker.  The worker will step in an tell the tourist to back off as no one likes their wife being abused.  Just a word of warning.

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