Thursday, September 9, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 32

   Not much happening today.  It is still unseasonably hot, as it was in the low 80's today.  Which is not normal for September.  I looked at the weather app and they indicate next week will be only in the low 60's and nights will be dropping below 30 a few times.

   Because of the heat the water and ice cream sales were up.  We are now down to only three flavors of ice cream left until Monday.  Vanilla, chocolate and mint chocolate chip.  The betting public feel that vanilla will be the only one left after tomorrow.  I think that will be the case.  The tourists are taking the lack of ice cream OK, but their kids are not.  :)

  Tomorrow will be a full staff of Mark, Ron and I.  Jack may join us but he is still suffering from nose bleeds.  So I may be able to take off a couple of hours if business is slow.  We will see.  Today was only fairly busy and I don't expect an upswing in business until Saturday, but I may be surprised.

   That is about all on this rather boring day.  Take care.

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