Friday, September 24, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 47 (The theft)

    Today was a very good day with the weather and the tourists liked it also, as we had many tourists in the afternoon.  We had one interesting and disturbing event take place.  I have seen people steal in the store before.  I have discovered open packages of items in grocery where the person stole what was inside and left the package stuffed in one of our shelves.  But today was a interesting theft.  I was on the other side working in fountain and I did not personally see this but my co-worker Mark did.  It seems that I guy came into the store caring a guitar.  He was followed by at least one, maybe more, girls.  They spread out around the store and Mark saw one of the girls pick up a Yellowstone whiskey that we sell.  They walked around for awhile until the guy separated himself and start to play the guitar. Naturally people stopped what they were doing and looked at who would be playing a guitar in the middle of the store. Mark said he took his eyes off the girl for a few seconds to look at the guy and then he noticed that she, and whoever was with her, was out the door.  The guy stopped playing and he left by another door.  So basically he was the distraction and they were basically ripping off the store with whatever they had picked up when he started playing.  What a great world we live in folks.  

   I did not get too many steps in today so I went for a short walk along the geyser basin.  Enjoy the video I shot of a small geyser and the Firehole river behind it.  Take care everyone and thanks for reading.

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