Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 37 (Day Off)

 Today I needed to get a prescription filled, so I decided to head to Big Sky Montana and their clinic.  Big Sky is a very fancy ski resort town.  See pictures.  I drove all the way to the top of Big Sky and found that I could go no further on the road because it ended at a very fancy gated community.  My impression of Big Sky is that it looks very expensive to own a home there and probably very expensive to own a condo or rent there.  I also got the impression that the town was created in a hap hazard manner.  The way the houses and such looked to me as if they were just placed where anyone set a claim to the land.  Not unlike a gold mining town in the past.  The streets and such were not even laid out in any pattern and the houses were just dropped anywhere and everywhere.  There is a ton of money in the area, especially in the winter for skiing. Also there is a very nice golf course designed by Arnold Palmer in the area, but I did not go see it as it would have cost me money to get into the area probably.

   After filling my prescription I headed for Bozeman to do some antiquing and to get lunch.  The antique places I stopped at had quite a few items but nothing struck me as wanting to buy and haul home.  I also looked into the book store and did not find anything I have not read yet, so I headed for lunch at Panda Express.  After lunch I headed back down to West Yellowstone, but I decided to stop and take a small hike on a trail I see everything I drive along the Gallatin River.  See pictures below.  The hike was very pleasant and the temperature was around 70 degrees.  I like to hike when the weather is cool.  I will be back at that spot next week and I plan on hiking in about 5 miles.  So I hope to get in a 10 mile hike into the back country of Yellowstone.  

   Well tomorrow is my Monday and I hear the business has been picking up a little.  We go a delivery today and tomorrow Pepsi delivers.  So it will probably be a long interesting day.  Stay well all my readers and be kind.


Big Sky taken on the way up the mountain.
Another of Big Sky

From my hike
From my hike

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