Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 31 (My Monday)

   Back to work today after two days off.  We had a delivery yesterday so Ron had some inventory to do while I stocked.  When I got into work at 8AM Ron was already working in the fountain getting sandwiches in order.  So I worked on chips and salads and other fridge items.  It took Ron and I more than an hour to get fountain ready for tourists.  Then I spent another hour in the cooler getting it into shape.  The Pepsi delivery truck arrived today and that gave me more work to do in getting the items that we ran out of restocked from the truck delivery.  Ron gave me directions to start not filling shelves with items on a one or two basis.  We are getting into the part of the season where business will be slowing down.  So he wants the items on the shelves to be depleted to the level where it takes a complete box of something to fill it.  That also goes with the items in the cooler.  If the Pepsi is depleted only fill it if it takes a complete case.  Ron does not want any half opened boxes of products.  If we have to return items at the end of the year they will only take back items that have been unopened.

   Because of labor day this week our ice cream man will not be around until next week.  Last week he supposedly left two weeks worth of stuff for us to put out and for the fountain to get by.  But we are running out of ice cream.  The fountain is down to only 4 flavors of ice cream when the normally offer around 12.  So for the next few days we are going to be rather short on frozen treats for the customers.  Wilcoxin is the supplier and I think they are having production issues too.  So that makes it bad all the way around.  The smokey haze is still here and today it was unseasonably warm.  So we sold a lot of water.  I thin the high was in the 80's and with the sun beating down you get real thirsty real quick.  

   That is about all for today.  17,500 steps in and I am going to bed early for sure.  Take care and stay well.

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