Thursday, September 2, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 25

    17,500 steps in today and I am beat.  The store business has slowed down but grocery seems to be hopping.  Mostly because we have to take care of grocery stocking and fountain stocking.  Not much happened today in the store.  The only unusual thing was we had to keep an eye on a guy who looked pretty suspicious.  Ron pointed him out to me and Ron was worried about the guys mental state.  He informed the store manager who then kept an eye on him also.  I was working trying to stock and lost track of what happened to him once he left our area.  For today's blog I have included picture of the grizzly eating a bison in the Yellowstone River in Hayden valley.  I figured some of you might want to see nature at it's best.  Pictures courtesy of my co-worker Mary.

   Tonight was a cookout and party for the group that is leaving this weekend.  Most are from the Dominican Republic, but some are from the US.  They will be missed for sure.  We are supposed to get some help in the store later on in the week/month. That is about all for today. Enjoy the pictures.





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