Saturday, September 4, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 27

    Today was the day that we lost a few employees.  Most were from the Dominican Republic and most worked in fountain. The fountain went from 13 employees to 5 today.  Last night the kids that were leaving and some that were staying staged a massive going away water balloon fight.  I heard they filled about 500 water balloons and then at the count of three they went to pummeling each other.  I heard them out my window while I was reading and went to the hall to see what was going on.  Man they were having a blast.  Then after the balloons were exhausted they went to silly string and continued the battle.  They were laughing and yelling and generally having a good time.  Once the battle was over they new it would be their last special time together and they all became somber.  They managed to clean up the area of spent balloons and then drifted off to bed.  Their transportation to Bozeman showed up at 5:45 this morning and the kids all piled in.  A lot of tears and hugs went around as they made it through a very tough summer.  I don't think they will soon forget each other and the time they spent in Yellowstone.

   After breakfast I started my day ensuring fountain had plenty of food and drinks to get by.  Mark and Jack joined me around 9AM and we had the place in pretty good shape for the tourists to arrive.  The morning was pretty slow but the afternoon was very very busy.  Toward the end of the day Jack and I spent over an hour restocking the fountain area.  Tomorrow I will have to spend some more time in there but also will have to ensure grocery is ready to go too.  Not too much happened today other than I observed that around 50 percent of the tourists today were from India.  I don't know why but others noticed it too.  

   On a side note we have a confirmed case of COVID with one of the fountain workers and another who will be quarantined because of close proximity.  So the store is being vigilant in ensuring we wear our masks and distance ourselves from certain people.  I also think that Delaware North or the park service will have us tested again just to ensure it is not spreading.  That is about all for today.  Tomorrow is my Friday and laundry day, then two days off.  Yes!  Take care and please be kind to one another.  Jesus would be happy about that.

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