Sunday, September 26, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 49 (TGIF)

    21,900 steps today.  Took another hike after work and before dinner. I went up the trail on the other side of the geyser area to get a look at the geyser basic from another viewpoint. I was stopped on the trail by a bison, see picture. I had to go around it as I really cannot outrun a bison.  Business was brisk but not overly busy.  I really thought that the weather would bring a lot of tourists, but it did not.  Maybe they were smart and stayed outside enjoying the weather.  I did meet a couple from Franklin Indiana today.  I ran into a couple from Greene County the other day.  It is a small world.  The husband also retired from Crane.  Tomorrow is my day off and I think Jack and I will be heading over the Beartooth mountains.  He said he has not been over the mountains in many years.  We are hoping to see some bear or moose on our way out of the park.  Thanks for reading and take care.  I hope you all went to church and worshiped today.  

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