Saturday, September 18, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 41

    Not much happening today of any interest.  The most exciting was we had to pull about 72 turkey sandwiches from the fountain because of mold. They were not to expire until September 24th but it seems mother nature had different ideas.  That is why I have said previously I would not eat any pre-made sandwiches here at all.  

   Tomorrow is my Friday which means laundry day.  I contacted Cathy today to mail me my red flannel long underwear, as I forgot to bring them with me.  Tomorrow it is supposed to have a rain snow mix here early on and I want to be ready for the drop in temperature that is coming.  The wind has already picked up this evening and I can tell the temperature has dropped a little since dinner.

   Right now the store has picked up a few workers from other stores that have closed.  I think the majority of the people that I work with now will be around until the store closes at the end of October.  They are a good bunch and seem to work well together.  With business slowing we all try to help each other out even when it is not in the area we are assigned.

   Take care for now and please be praying for those affected by COVID as I keep getting prayer requests from the church for many who either are sick or have died of COVID.  Be kind to one another.

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