Friday, September 10, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 33 (Pay Day)

    We have ice cream again.  Wilcoxin made a special run to our store today.  We now have 10 flavors of ice cream versus the two we would have been down to by the end of the day.  We had a full staff today working so I came into work at 8AM and took off at 10AM and went back at 2PM til 6PM.  Business has slowed down but we still are busy in the afternoon.  My friend Bob once told me the after labor day the tourists can be described as "Newly Wed or Nearly Dead."  I think he was pretty much right on that.  We are getting a lot of tour buses and I have seen quite a few people with walkers and oxygen tanks roaming our store.

   This weekend we will say good bye to more workers.  The good news is that we will be gaining some from stores that have started closing in the park.  We may not be gaining as many as we have lost but any little bit will help.  The fountain and the basement stocking area are in need of help for sure.

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