Sunday, September 5, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 28 (TGIF)

   After breakfast I entered the store to ensure the fountain was ready for tourists.  After yesterday's rush we wanted to make sure there was enough sandwiches, chips and drinks in the fountain. We found out why we were so busy yesterday and today.  It seems tour buses are dropping off a major amount of people.  We did $70,000 in sales yesterday and today we did $75,000 in sales.  Ron is happy that we are selling the sandwiches off as we have about a hundred boxes of sandwiches to get rid of before they expire on the 24th.  The tour bus drivers seem to be misleading their passengers about the times we are open.  People are showing up expecting sandwiches and such after the fountain closes at 5PM.  We close the fountain at 5PM to clean in and restock it.  People are always yelling at us about getting food while the place is being cleaned and restocked. Tourists don't like to hear we close at 5PM and some even voice their displeasure.  I tell them the truth, we are understaffed. Speaking of understaffed, we have one confirmed COVID in one of our employees and two others quarantined by associated.  So we are very short staffed in fountain now.

   This is my Friday and I got laundry done.  Tomorrow I have to drive 2 hours to Idaho Falls to get my oil changed.  I put 5,000 miles on my truck this past few weeks driving back and forth to Indiana and back.  My next day off will be a great adventure as I will be driving up to see the Beartooth mountains.  I am really looking forward to that trip as I will be circling Yellowstone and exiting out the North East entrance. Then to Cooke City and then up the Beartooth Pass and into Red Lodge Montana.  I will spend a little time walking around Red Lodge and then drive to Cody Wyoming and back into the Park via the East Entrance. 

   I said good bye to Janine today.  She works in the EDR and I have know here for 6 years.  She leaves us and heads on a trip to Europe. She has an adventure ahead before she heads to her winter job in Steamboat Springs Colorado.  The EDR will miss her as she is a great worker.  Jack is doing better and he appreciates the prayers.  Thanks for reading and take care.

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