Monday, September 27, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 50 (Day Off)

    Jack decided he wanted to go over the Beartooth Mountains today, as he has not been across them in many years.  So I said I wanted too also before the weather got bad.  So we headed out from the dorm around 7AM.  We were hoping to see some bear today but we left the dorm and headed up to Mammoth Hot Springs and never saw anything but bison and elk.  Disappointed we headed down to Lamar Valley.  We saw plenty more bison but again no bear.  Leaving Lamar Valley we headed out of the park to Cooke City, where we stopped for a coffee for Jack and Tea for me.  From Cook City we headed to the top of the Beartooth pass.  We stopped along the way to watch a real cowboy on a horse herding some cattle down the road.  You see the highway to the Beartooth pass is open range.  It was great seeing a real cowboy doing a job like that from horseback with a cattle dogs running along side to help.  When we got close to the top we stopped to explore some trails around some mountain lakes.  I saw a deer but no bear.  We got to the top of the pass and just enjoyed the clear day and the great views.  Heading down the Montana side of the pass, as you go up the Wyoming side, we stopped at a great overlook.  Great because the views are very nice and also because it has several bathrooms.  :) We headed down out of the mountains and into Red Lodge Montana for lunch.  Jack bought lunch so I bought ice cream at the DQ in Cody.  From Cody we headed into the park again and headed back to the dorm.  On the way past lake, when we about given up hope, we came across a group of people who said they were watching a grizzly and he cub eating grubs.  So Jack and I finally got to see a bear today.  I got several pictures but mostly of the bear's behind, as it kept digging and never turning around.  After we left that place we saw a few deer and many elk on the way back around Lake Yellowstone.  So all in all it was a good day.  I hope you enjoy the pictures below.  Thanks for reading.  Take care.

My first eagle

An elk that was not afraid of me

A deer that was not afraid of me either

Grizzly bear

Fall colors

Real cowboys doing real work




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