Thursday, September 23, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 46

   I got 18,190 steps in today and the store was fairly active.  The mornings are still not very busy but the afternoons make up for it.  We had three deliveries today.  The Pepsi delivery, bison jerky delivery and the ice delivery.  Our stock to put on the shelves is pretty low and because of the fewer tourists we have some items that are removed because they are out of date.  We are losing one EDR worker and two fountain workers.  Today was their last day.  Fountain will soon be short handed and I think Delaware North will have to cut some services in the fountain.  I think they will still dip ice cream but I think they will no longer be making any pizzas.  It will continue to be like this until we close next month I am sure.  The bright spot for today was the EDR had fried chicken and mashed potatoes for lunch.  It is rare we get fried chicken and it was good.

    Not too much else happening.  The weather is very nice and will continue to be so for the next several days I hear.  Pay day is tomorrow, as we get paid weekly.  I hope to be breaking even soon, as I had added expenses of driving home and coming back.  Take care all who are reading this and stay well.

Just one of the unusual items we sell here.  Seaweed snacks. 1.3 OZ for $4

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