Monday, September 6, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 29 (Day off)

    I am sitting here in the Toyota dealership in Idaho Falls waiting to get my oil changed.  I have put so many miles on this summer that I needed to get the oil changed and tires rotated. I left the dorm at 7AM and it was 30 degrees.  Idaho Falls will be reaching 90 degrees today.  So I dressed for Idaho Falls.  Shorts and a short sleeved shirt.  I plan on visiting the book store while I am here as I have finished 4 books I brought so far. I may need to replenish my supply. You get a lot of reading done in the dorm and it is a good way to wind down from the grocery tourist onslaught. :)  I also hope to stop by and walk the river walk and visit the Japanese garden while I am here.  I plan on also getting a nice Chinese meal for lunch before I head back to the dorm.


Idaho Falls looking straight down the river

The Japanese Garden created by redirecting some of the Snake River

I have seen my first bear.  A black bear swimming the Madison River

 The bison have started their migration down to lower areas in preparation for the coming winter. I think rutting season is over now.



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