Friday, September 17, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 40

    16,000 steps in today.  The store was somewhat busy but only really in the afternoon.  Got some deliveries today but not too much stock is coming in right now.  When other grocery stores in the park begin to close, then we will probably get some items from them.  When we close we send out items to Mammoth, as they are the last store open in the Park.

   Because of lack of workers we do not have all the cash registers open.  Today I had a couple stand in front of a register in the fountain that was clearly closed.  The lady came over to me and pretty much demanded that someone should be there to check them out.  I told her that the register is closed due to staffing issues and she should just take her stuff to the front where there are 4 registers open.  She did not look happy at all.

   There are items in the store that do not sell well at all and the joke amongst us grocery workers is when one of the items sells.  Today it was the Underwood Deviled Ham spread.  The same 8 tins have been sitting there on the shelf for 3 months.  That is until today when someone bought one.  I took a picture of it and sent it to my co-worker as proof.  We have other items like that.  Ron does not ask for them but corporate sends the items and thinks they will sell but Ron can tell them they won't.  So they sit on out shelves gathering dust.  My favorite is the Chocolate Rum that sells for $60.00 a bottle.  I have never sold one or stocked one in my entire 6 years here.  The bottles are dust covered like they were rescued from someone's stock pile in the 40's.

   Not much else going on other than it was payday and everyone is a happy camper.  Around this time of year Delaware North gets their store managers to hand out daily gifts to the workers for appreciation.  Most of the time it is candy but usually there is a big item.  This year we all received a $16.00 Camelback drinking mug.  It was nice.

   Take care and stay will you all.

Interesting beer sold around here


Interesting beers sold around here

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