Saturday, September 25, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 48

 18,304 steps in today, but part of those was a hike I did before supper.  The day was pretty routine other than the weather.  The weather was perfect and unusual for September 25th.  low in the 30's and high around 70 degrees.  We had a busy store but it did not seem overly packed.  Tomorrow is my Friday and I am looking forward to a couple days off to hike and explore while the weather stays good.  There seems to be a shadow of a government shutdown hanging over our heads.  If the government shuts down then the store will have to close and we will all be sent home.  No matter how long they stay shut down it means we have to close and leave.  I don't think this will happen but Mark and Mary, who I work with, has gone through this before and they did have to leave early.  That is all I got.  Thanks for reading and take care.  Go to church tomorrow and worship the Lord.

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