Friday, September 3, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 26

    16,456 steps today and this is with a store that is slowing down in sales.  It was an interesting day if you worked the registers, which most do.  The Internet went down and tourists were a little upset because credit card transactions were not going through.  It is not the cashiers fault but the tourists took it out on them.  Ron in grocery also seemed to be on edge today.  I think there was just something in the air and several complained of headaches today.  So lets hope tomorrow will be better.  The temperatures around here are starting to drop.  The nights are in the low thirties and the days get to around mid seventies. Which is why I am not stocking the water very much.  Although the hard liqueur and the beer are still being bought like crazy.  :)  Mark and I worked together, with Ron, and got the place into very good shape.  I was told by Ron that since the store is slowing down that there will be no overtime allowed.  So I will have to make sure I keep the hours under 40 a week.  I don't want the Delaware North bosses to come down on Ron because of me.  The good news about things slowing down is that I can take a break every once in awhile and just sit and have a cup of hot tea.  I like the pace of the store now but I am sure as time goes on I will not have much to stock as there will not be as much sold and I will get quite bored.  I am betting that the first snowfall will happen around September 18th.  I will let you know if my prediction comes true.  This weekend we will be losing a few employees and also picking up a few too.  Several good byes will be said as it is tough to see people leave that you worked with all summer.  Even though I have only been working with them a short while, they will be missed.  That is about all, but I will leave you with a customer's question to me.  I was stocking the pre-made sandwiches and a man who I would guess was of the Islamic faith came up to me and asked "Do you have any vegan sandwiches?"  To which I replied no all we carry is egg salad, chicken salad, turkey and a sub sandwich.  He then asked me if I could make him a non-meat sandwich.  I told him know as I only stock sandwiches that are made from somewhere else and shipped to us.  He thanked me and then said I was doing a good job stocking.  That made me smile.  We have a lot of people who come here expecting to get their sometimes unusual diets fulfilled.  We can only carry so much and vegans and lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant are all going to be disappointed.  So if you come and have special needs then I suggest you get it all well before entering the park.  Take care all and please say a prayer for my 83 year old co-worker Jack. He is ill and in need of prayer.  Thanks.

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