Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 45

    Well it is my Monday and I expected to be busy stocking the items delivered yesterday, but to my surprise most of the items were stocked and shelved already.  Ron told me that he had many items either out of stock or unavailable. So I spent most of the morning getting fountain ready. We have only half the varieties of chips that we usually have, so filling the shelves was easy.  There are many empty shelves though.  I hear from Cathy that out local Wal-Mart has the same issue with many empty shelves.  We also have a few areas that are stocked by outside people, such as bread, rolls and bison jerky.  The bison and elk jerky shelves are practically empty.  That is a few thousand dollars in sales that is not being made for sure.  Ron thinks either they ran out of meat or they are done for the year.  We were supposed to get a Pepsi delivery today, but they never showed up.  We are getting very low on soft drinks and water.  I hope the truck comes soon. Some delivery areas are having a hard time finding drivers.

   Not too much else going on today.  Our area has been in the news quite a bit.  First the killing of the girl in the Tetons and now it seems they found a body at Shoshone Lake. One of my favorite hiking places.  It seems two brothers were camping at the lake and we not heard from for a while.  One brother was found and the camp site where they slept was still packed with stuff and empty.  The other brother is missing.  No autopsy has been released about the body found. One brother was in his 60's the other was in his 70's.  We are getting way too much bad press lately.

  The temperature is rising and will hit around 70 later this week.  I think that will be the end of warm temperatures as winter will be settling in here in the not too distant future. Take care and thanks for reading. 

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