Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 38

    Well it was back to work today.  My Monday.  They had a delivery truck yesterday but as the season is winding down it was not a big load. So did not have too much to put up from that.  The Pepsi truck arrived around 11AM and I helped unload three pallets of drinks and such into the cooler.  Business was light today and I was able to get fountain loaded up with food and drinks before the day ended.  I will have some to do tomorrow but the warm drinks were put in the cases to cool and the sandwiches are stocked.  So all should be good for tomorrow.  

   I neglected to tell you that Judy our stocker lead hit a bison with her car the other day.  She thinks the car was totalled. It was at night and she said she tried to avoid driving in the park at night but could not help it that evening.  She is OK except for some stiffness, but she is worried about her car.  You she it was a Hyundai Sante Fe and she pulls her camper with it.  So now she is worried about getting a replacement or a rental or the original fixed in time to pull her camper out of Yellowstone at the end of October.  I can feel for her as the logistics of getting anything done with a car here are very bad.  In fact she said the tow truck had to come in from West Yellowstone and she had to wait a few hours after the wreck just to get her car taken out.  Basically it goes like this.  You have a wreck. There is no cell signal as the park does not have cell towers around every where.  You then have to wait for a passer by willing to call or contact a park ranger as they drive down the road.  Then the ranger may take awhile getting there from wherever they are in the park.  Then the ranger has to call for a tow truck.  Then the tow truck has to make it into the park to the location and depending on where you are at it could be one hour to two hours to get to you.  Then they tow your car and you to west where you have to make arrangements to get back into the park after making arrangements with the tow company.  Then you have to call your insurance agent and start the process or getting the car evaluated for being totalled or fixed.  A long process and I can see why she is worried about how she will get her campler out of here at the end of October.  

   Not much else happened today other than the custodian that sort of snapped the other day came back to collect his things and head home.  I prayed for him and I hope he get his mind right and his problems behind him.  Thanks for reading and please say a prayer for Lana Elliott as she is in need of God's healing right now.

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