Monday, September 13, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 36 (Day Off)

    Today Jack and I headed out to the Tetons and Jackson Wyoming.  Jack wanted to introduce me to the National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson.  I think he wanted to increase my sophistication. I have passed by that place several times and never really wanted to stop, as I am not much of an art buff.  But Jack has a membership there and he can admit one friend in for free a month.  So we went.  As always we are on the lookout for wildlife and for the first time I saw a wolf in the Tetons National Park.  You can see the picture below.  We also stopped and had coffee and tea at the Jackson Lake Lodge.  This is where the high rent people and the president stays when visiting the Tetons.  It is really a nice place to stay if you can afford it.  I have checked into it and for a week stay it is around 3 thousand dollars and they want two thirds of the money up front even if you are doing next years reservation.  We drank our coffee and tea outside on their viewing deck and really enjoyed just looking at the mountains and the lake, what lake there is because of the drought. See picture below.  After the lodge we went to another area exploring for moose, but failed to come up with any. I do know where I can go to try to see some, so I will be back there before the year is over and try again to spot some moose or bear in the area.  After looking for moose we went to the art museum.  I rather enjoyed the museum and they have the nicest bathrooms I have ever seen.  The paintings and such were very very good and they had a sale going of some of the works to help support the museum.  Most of the paintings were 3 thousand dollars or more.  A little out of my price range.  After the museum we at lunch in Jackson and the town was fairly quiet.  We were able to find a parking space in town and walk to the restaurant.  Jack bought my lunch, which was rather nice of him for sure.  After lunch Jack and I headed up Jackson pass and went back to the dorm via Idaho and West Yellowstone.  It was a great day exploring.  The temperature was around 70 degrees and a nice sunny day.

   When we got back to the dorm we had to go through about 4 ranger cars with their lights on.  We wondered what was going on and found out that one of our employees had snapped earlier in the day.  I guess he threatened other employees and that is a major no no.  He was asked to leave ask he was terminated and he did not go quietly.  Bottom line is the rangers caught him and now he is in a little trouble.  We also fond out that one of our cooks in the EDR fell and really messed up his knee.  He is now having the leg immobile and waiting to see a doctor later this week.  

   It was an exciting day for sure.  Take care and say a prayer for both employees I mentioned.  God knows who they are and they both need healing in some form or fashion.  Enjoy the pictures and videos.



One of my favorite paintings in the Art museum

A sculpture outside the art museum

The Tetons

The Tetons

The Tetons

The view from inside the Jackson Lake Lodge

The view from inside the Jackson Lake Lodge

The wolf we saw

Another of the wolf

The Tetons and how bad the drought is


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