Sunday, September 19, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 42

    This is my Friday.  The big news of the day was we had our first snowfall.  See pictures below.  It will not last as the temperatures will increase to around 70 by Saturday, but it was sure nice to see.  The flakes were huge and the kids in the fountain loved having a snowball fight after work.  Because of the snow business was down in the grocery but up in the fountain.  I think they sold about a 1,000 hot chocolates and coffees today.

   The best tourist question of the day was from a family of Chinese.  They came into the store at the height of the rain/snow and they were soaked, but they had umbrellas and proper coats.  They stopped me and asked me this, "Is there anyplace in the park where we can view the park undercover?"  I told them that this was a park with outdoor things and animals.  We did not have a place where we have under roof viewing of park things.  

   The morning started off really interesting in that the store opens at 9AM, but I am in the store at 8AM doing stocking for the day. A lady was banging on the door and yelling at us inside.  We could not hear her but she was holding up four fingers on each hand and banging the door with her foot.  I walked over and yelled back "What do you want?" through the locked door.  She said, "The hotel said you opened a 8AM!" Which is why she was holding up 4 fingers on each hand and pretty much demanding we open the door because she was told we would have been open.  I told her we are not open until 9AM, which by the way was stenciled on the door she was looking through.  Then she asks rather loudly if we had any ponchos.  I said yes and she then demands that I sell her one.  I told her the cashiers were not there and the store is not open for selling anything.  She gave me a bad look and dropped the 8 finger gang sign she was displaying.  I walked away to do my stocking and I think she stayed there for a few minutes fuming at us for not opening the doors to her.  I love tourists.

   Tomorrow is my day off and Jack and I may go hiking but it will depend on the weather.  Take care everyone and stay well.

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