Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 30 (Day off)

    Got up around 6:45 to shower and hit the road.  I stopped by the EDR to pick up my sack lunch (PBnJ) and hit the road.  I wanted to leave early because Yellowstone had construction on my usual route to the North East Entrance.  Because of construction that side was closed, which meant I had to drive all the way north to Mammoth and then south to get to Lamar Valley and then head out the North East entrance.  My plan is to leave the park into Cook City and then over the Beartooth Mountains into Red Lodge.  Because of construction it took me an hour more to drive around the construction.  They say there are 5 seasons in Yellowstone.  Spring, summer, fall, winter and construction season.  I believe it.  The trip around was pretty nice, as in I was able to travel without too much interruption.  An occasional bison and elk but not too much to slow me down.  The real issue was the smoke haze.  It was very very thick today.  I noticed it as soon as I left the dorm and was hoping it would blow over as I traveled, but it never did.  When I exited the park and headed up the 11,000 feet over the Beartooth mountains it was clear up there, but when you looked down you could not see much distinctly because of the smokey haze.  Traveling through the park I entered Lamar valley and saw the bison herd was still there although I passed many that were traveling down the mountain to lower elevation for the winter.  I stopped in Cook City for gas, $3.90 a gallon and then headed up the Beartooth highway to the top of the mountain.  When I reached close to the top I was stopped again for construction work.  This time it was with a pilot car and the wait was 30 minutes.  They are trying to do a massive job on a curve over a deep drop.  The road is closed after 7PM and only opens up again a 7AM with 30 minute stops.  When I reached the top I backed into my usual stopping place and ate my PBnJ while looking over the other mountain tops.  It was sunny and 60 degrees at 11,200 feet above sea level.  A nice day for a lunch.  After lunch I took a slow ride into Red Lodge Montana.  Stopping a few time for some photos.  I walked around Red Lodge and looked at some stores.  I also had cell service again and called Cathy and her Mom and Dad.  After leaving Red Lodge I headed for Cody and then back into the park via the East entrance.  Traffic was very good and it was a pleasant day to travel around Yellowstone Lake and then back to the dorm.  Enjoy the pictures below from my day.

The Bison on my way out of our geyser area

A bison that was a little too close for comfort

A family of elk at Mammoth. Got to hear the pop make a call.

A very nice creek before entering Lamar Valley

A nice water fall heading up the Beartooth highway

Made it to the top of the Beartooth pass

Great view from the top of the mountain pass

A little historical action in Red Lodge once upon a time

Visited Bearcreek Cemetery where they buried all the 74 miners who died in a mine explosion in 1943

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