Friday, July 30, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 5

   After a good nights sleep, uninterrupted by any fire alarms, I showered and headed for breakfast.  Breakfast consisted of 2 boxes of Raisin Bran, because sometimes your body just needs some bran.  :) I went into work and immediately started filling the snacks in the Fountain area. This year since fountain is short handed we have to fill their fridges and snack displays.  One of the things I noticed while walking through the store was that there was only about half the number of clothing racks as we had in the past.  The kids section and the womans section was the most bare.  I thought to myself how could we be setting record sales but have so much less inventory.  I wonder if Delaware North will learn from that in the future.  I sure wish they would learn that from the gazillion types of beers I have to stock.

   The day was pretty much uneventful except for a rather strange happening in the clothing area.  The place was packed with tourists and someone informed our staff that there was someone passed out in the woman's restroom stall.  The supervisor found a woman clerk and sent her in and sure enough a girl had passed out but was coming around.  They brought her out and set her down and ask her if she had any family.  She said a grandmother and the staff then went on the intercom and asked for the grandmother to come to the area where this girl was at.  The girl looked to be dehydrated and not looking the best.  The grandmother arrived and when she looked at the girl all she did was hold up a sweatshirt and ask if this would be ok to buy.  The staff informed her the girl pass out and you might want to get her to the medical clinic.  The grandmother then asked the staff to watch her for a while so she could go and pay for her stuff.  The staff wanted to kick her in the rear end for sure.  I guess that is not the first or the last person we will have pass out in the store.  You can get dehydrated quickly here and people are warned but many don't heed the warning at all.

  We had a truck arrive late with a lot of stuff, so I hung around some and then Ron told me to check out as he and Mark would be able to handle the load.  I am sure tomorrow I will be stocking a lot of the items that arrived.  We still are having quite a few items that are either out of stock or out of production.  

   That is all for now.  Heading to get some dinner.  Go Cubs, what is left of the team anyway.  Please continue to pray for Janie Elliott.

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