Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Road

I don’t know when I got onto the Road. 

As far back as I can recall I have been on the Road. 

There are others on the Road with me.

Some are far ahead.

Some are far behind.

I can talk to those ahead, but I can’t seem to catch up to them.

I can talk to those behind, but I can’t seem to wait for them.

Those ahead help me to see far down the Road.

They warn me of things to be wary of.

They tell me of things to see.

But even though we are on the same Road. 

The things they describe look different to me.

The rushing streams are not as powerful.

The sky does not seem as blue.

I know I am seeing what they want me to see.

But I am seeing it farther down the Road.

Those ahead of me tell me the Road is hard.

But I don’t think it is as hard as they describe it.

I have found the Road hard in some of the places they warn me.

But I have also found the Road hard in places that they never mentioned.

Did they not see the trouble or was what I saw new to the Road?

They tell me that the Road was tougher for them.

They tell me I know only downhill parts of the Road.

But I do have uphill parts I tell them.

They only laugh and tell me that I don’t know what uphill is.

I look behind and see those there.

The Road looks different to me when I look back.

I can see far behind me, but only to the bend in the Road.

I have a hard time remembering the Road past the bend.

But every once in awhile I can recall.

The Road behind seems clear then.

I can see past the bend.

I can remember the Road.

What triggered this?

Was it a sight, a sound, or a smell?

I don’t know, but for just a brief moment I see the Road far behind me.

I then tell those behind what to be aware of or what to watch out for on the Road.

They respond with a wave of acknowledgment.

Sometimes they respond with a look that says, ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about’.

I have seen that look.

It is that same look I have given those ahead of me on the Road.


The Road is a lonely place sometimes.

The Road is a rough place to travel.

There are times I feel helpless.

There are times when I feel I have nowhere to turn.

One day those ahead told me that I am never alone.

That there is always someone on the Road with me.

I ask them who is there always with me.

They told me about the One.

The One they said is always there.

The One is who built the Road.

The One is who made all who travel on the Road.

I said “There was no one there with me when I fell. I did not see anyone.”

They told me it is through faith that you see the One.

“What is faith?” I asked.

“Faith is believing in what you don’t see.” They replied.

“How do you know about The One?” I asked.

They told me of the Map.

The Map is what told them of the One.

The Map is what tells them how to travel the Road.

“I have traveled The Road OK without a map.” I said. “Why do I need the Map to be on the Road?”

“It is because of the Bend in the Road,” they said.

I knew the Bend.

The Bend is something that is always there ahead of us.

The Road is not straight all the time it bends far ahead.

I cannot see past the Bend.

Those ahead have traveled around the Bend.

I lose site of them until the Road straightens out.

Then I see them again.

I call to them and ask them what is ahead of me on the Road.

But there are times when those ahead travel around the Bend and when the Road straightens out some of them are gone.

Where do they go?

I do not know, just that sometimes those ahead travel around the Bend and are gone.

It is a time of sorrow as they are missed.

But the Bend is not only for those ahead, but also for those behind.

Sometimes I have found myself entering the Bend and looking back for those behind.

And sometimes they are missing also.

It is also a time of sorrow, but for those behind the sorrow seems greater.

I asked, “what does the Map say about the Bend?”

They tell me that the Bend happens to everyone.

But the Map tells of what happens after the Bend.

The One has prepared a place that is not on the Road.

The Map tells how to get to this place the One has ready for us.

“Is this place better than The Road?” I asked

“Much better.” They respond.

There will be no more hardship in this place.

There will be no more tears there.

“How do I get to this better place?” I asked.

The Map tells the story of how the One sent His Son to be on the Road with us.

The Map tells about how the Son endured the Road and all its hardships.

The Map tells how the Son came to help us all.

The Map tells how that the Son conquered the Bend.

For when the Bend took the Son away, he did not stay away, but appeared later on the Road.

Telling those who would listen to believe in Him and you would not have to fear the Bend anymore.

The Map tells about how the Son conquered the Bend.

“Someone who came back after the Bend, please tell me more.” I replied.

They told me that the Son came down to the Road to provide a way for all to escape the Bend.

The Son taught many things to those on the Road.  He taught about love and how we are to live while on the Road. He also helped many people while on The Road.  Many said that he performed miracles and even brought back someone who the Bend had taken.  But even with all the good things he was doing the Son said he must go back to the One who sent him, his father.  One day those on the Road, who did not like to hear his teachings, took him away around the Bend.  It was a time of sorrow, as many he had taught missed him greatly. 

But one day he appeared to those on the Road again.  He had conquered the Bend.  He told us that we should not fear the Bend either.  We just have to believe and have faith.  If we accept the Son as our guide, then we will conquer the Bend also. 

I asked ‘Where is the Son now?’

They told me that he had to go back to his Father, but one day he would come back for everyone on the Road.

This made me sad, as the Road is a lonely place when others are gone.  But they told me not to be lonely for if I believed in the Son and accept him as my Guide then the Son would be with me all the time.  

“What do you mean the Son would be with me?” I asked.  “I thought he left.”

They told me that the Son would live inside of me.  Guiding and helping me while I am on the Road.  That part that would be in me was called The Spirit.  The Spirit of the One who sent the Son.  The Spirit would give me power through the One.  The Spirit will let me do things that I never have done before. 

“What things?” I asked.

Well they told me of a special gift that the One wanted me to have.  But they also told me that it was up to me to find that gift.  And once found, I was to use that gift to serve the One.  Doing what the Son has taught and what the Map tells me to do.

Well it has been a long time since I have accepted the Son.  The Road has not gotten easier; the Map did not say it would.  But I am not alone anymore.  I talk to the One and the Spirit helps me through what I face on the Road.  I don’t fear the Bend anymore.  In fact I look forward to the Bend because I know I will be with the One and I will be able to see the Son.  Then I will be able to tell him face to face how much I love him for showing me how to live on the Road and for conquering the Bend.

But enough of that, the time will come when I will be no more.  For now I must press on down the Road.  Doing what the Map tells me and telling others about the Son.

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